Musicians Wanted - Local Musicians Near You

A Free Musician Classifieds Service For Bands & Musicians

Musicians Connect is a free musicians wanted and musicians classified service to search, find and connect with local area bands and musicians near you. Read More

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Lead Guitar | Rhythm Guitar
Ashburn Musicians Wanted

NoVA Prog Power Metal

Ashburn, Virginia Musicians Wanted

  Hard Rock | Metal
  Ashburn, VA

Lead Guitar | Rhythm Guitar
I am looking for a bass player and guitar playing partner to play in a southern Maryland rock band. We would do classic to current covers and some original stuff too.

Rock And Roll Lead Guitar Player And Vocals

Port Tobacco, Maryland Musicians Wanted

  Alternative Rock | Blues | Classic Rock
  Port Tobacco, MD

Lead Guitar | Rhythm Guitar
What a joke this place is over 2 months no intrest no contact from any one what BS Ive contacted sevaral people are there any real musicians in WEST BYGOD VA looking for heavy metal musicians I have drums and PA I am a guitarist with many years of experience and I am interested in like minded people who want to be the best in the area I have over 30 songs that I have written willing to share

Metal Musicians Wanted Must Be Experienced

Martinsburg, West Virginia Musicians Wanted

  Hard Rock | Metal | Punk
  Martinsburg, WV

My wife and I are looking for local musicians in the north Virginia area to play music together. Please feel free to contact with me at wdecheng at g m a i l.

Violin Musician Looking For Local Musicians

Chantilly, Virginia Musicians Wanted

  Acoustic | Classical | Country
  Chantilly, VA

Looking for Guitar & Bass, singer just call me if interested. Start up or join band, play out

Rock, R&B, Funk, Light Rock, Original Music.

Westminster, Maryland Musicians Wanted

  Classic Rock | Funk | R&B
  Westminster, MD

Professional drummer with two decades of musical experience spanning a wide range of styles and influences. Passionate about Progressive & Fusion Genres. Reliable and level headed. Happy to sit in for temp gigs or join something more involved.

Professional & Eccentric Drummer

Lutherville Timonium, Maryland Musicians Wanted

  Funk | Hard Rock | Jazz
  Lutherville Timonium, MD

Musicians Connect
Connecting Musicians Since 2014

Is Musicians Connect really free?

Yes, it's 100% free to join and contact local musicians on Musicians Connect. Musicians Connect is proudly build by musicians, for musicians - not big tech or corporate conglomerates. This website follows the KISS principal (keep it simple, stupid!) because cluttered, over-complicated musicians wanted websites are frustrating. Musicians Connect offers a straight-forward, no-cost experience to find and connect with local bands and musicians near you.

How is Musicians Connect different from other musicians wanted services?

It's all about karma!

Let's face it, you're here to connect with musicians, so each unread message degrades the member experience.

To combat this, we've introduced member karma. Failure to read a message after 30 days lowers member karma. If member karma falls below 85, the profile is scheduled for automatic removal, because the whole point of this website is to connect with musicians, not ghost them.

If a member isn't reading messages, the assumption is that they 1) ignored them 2) failed to opt-in to text message notifications or did not add Musicians Connect to their email contacts to ensure they receive new message notifications 3) passed away.

There are plenty of ways to earn karma, like adding favorites, contacting other members, reading messages, adding profile photos and more. The best way to avoid losing karma is to opt-in to text message notifications when a member contacts you.

What are the features of a Musicians Connect profile?

Seeking musicians and bands near you? You're in the right place. A Musicians Connect profile gives bands and musicians from all genres and experience levels the ability to quickly and easily create a personalized profile featuring a bio, photos, videos, music files, a favorites list and more.

How long has Musicians Connect been online?

Musicians Connect started in 2014 from humble beginnings.

Is Musicians Connect a good alternative to Craigslist musicians wanted ads?

Yes, Musicians Connect is ideal for musicians seeking musicians who are looking for an alternative to constantly posting Craigslist musicians wanted classifieds ads whenever looking for new band members and musicians. Musicians Connect profiles never expire, but can easily be made private or public. Our quality control measures prevent overly vague listings and spam to make finding musicians in your area a pleasure.

How do I join Musicians Connect?

Creating a profile on Musicians Connect is a breeze and it only takes a minute to start finding and connecting with musicians and bands near you.


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