Metal Band Needs Bass And Vocals

Illinois Musicians Wanted  |  Free Musicians Classified

 kenbob    36 years old    male    Montgomery, IL    member since 2018

About us:We try to practice one day a week in Montgomery, usually Sunday. The three of us have close to twenty years of experience playing our instruments. We have varying experience playing live from a little bit to a lot. We also have varying experience recording, from basically none, to a little bit. None of us have a filter between our brain and our mouth. Don't get offended, they're usually jokes. I like to think that we're all pretty laid back guys. Two of us have familys. We vary in age between 26 and 31. We have two songs written and parts to two more in the works.

Musical Influences & Inspiration

The Black Dahlia Murder, Killswitch Engage, Whitechapel, Lamb of God, All That Remains, Chimaira, Light This City, Burning the Masses, God Forbid, The Agonist, Devildriver, As I Lay Dying, Unearth, Arch Enemy

Music Genres


Proficient With


Gear & Equipment

The two guitarists and I (drummer) have our own equipment. We also have a (not great) set up we can use for vocals if needed.

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar, Vocalist - General

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Montgomery Musicians Wanted:

Orchestral Musician and Entrepreneur Prog ShoeBASSer Aurora Musicians Wanted Guitar for Hire Exceptional Percussionist for an established group Elmhurst Musician Guitar and Bass player Wanted Guitarist/vocalist Marchristiansen guitarist Experienced Southern Gospel Pianist Ambient/Space Rock Guitarist Musico compositor arreglista y aparte computacion.

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