5 Reasons Reddit Is A Toxic Cesspool

Abhor Reddit? You're Not Alone.

If you've spent more than 5 minutes on Reddit, then it's likely you have already experienced the killjoy of foolishly anticipating thoughtful dialog with other humans on various topic only to discover that you're lowering your IQ with each comment you read.

Reddit sub moderators can be really horrible people

Many Reddit sub moderators are akin to sadistic parking meter attendants who relish in abusing their pathetic, small power. Some were probably bullied in school, and have now become the bullies. Others may just be bitter or angry due to a meager endowment in intelligence, or perhaps a certain body part. Whatever the case for their massive inferiority complexes, it's not an excuse to ruthlessly lord over Reddit subs like Nazis without regard for equity, open-mindedness or differing points of view. Some Reddit sub moderators are simply politically motivated pundits seeking to advance an agenda while suppressing any voices of dissent. The result is the cultivation of echo chambers that perpetuate ignorance and intolerance.

Reddit subs have more rules most board games

The sheer number of rules many subs have is preposterous. Do this. Don't do that. Only do this if you do that. They are seemingly created at the whim (or political agenda) of the aforementioned horrible Reddit moderators.

You might be debating with a 12-year-old

Minors appear to comprise a significant portion of Reddit users, yet there is no way to filter posts or comments by user age. The result is that you will very likely find yourself unwittingly subjecting yourself to childish drivel, or worse, actually debating with a child (or at best an adult with a child's intellect). If you've got better things to do than trying to rationalize with humans whose brains aren't yet fully developed, then Reddit may not be for you. There's a reason children can't vote, consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes or operate vehicles. To think a child has the intellectual wherewithal to choose an alternative gender seems like epic folly, but that's for another blog post. Bottom line is, Reddit works well as a platform for feeble-minded and impressionable children (and adults) to feign authority on various topics and endlessly pontificate on the superficial and superfluous.

Reddit users seem generally angry and hateful

The anonymous nature of Reddit invariably allows users to forget their humanity. Users post horrible things for other users to revel in via the comments. In fact, regardless of the content of the post, be it good, bad, happy or sad, users will descend upon it like flies to sh*t to lay their poisonous comments.

Reddit content is a mostly banal wasteland

For every Reddit post or comment with even marginal merit, there are thousands to wade through which are utterly trite, pedestrian and devoid of any redeeming qualities. Scrolling through Reddit's "popular" posts feed is guaranteed to cause any misanthropic tendencies to flair. What is popular in the Reddit community is a good illustration of how humanity is quite possibly doomed.

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