Bassist In D.C.

Washington Musicians Wanted

 achanock    35-year-old male    Washington, DC    joined in 2014
 100 karma

I am a skilled improviser on the guitar and I want to play in a band. I have a full-time job but I am committed to practicing a couple times a week. Ideally I want to be in a band that plays in bars, clubs, and events (weddings). I'm not too interested in writing original songs, just doing my own take on fun classics.

Musical Influences & Inspiration

Soul, southern rock, a little country, R&B, and alternative rock

Music Genres

Alternative Rock Blues Classic Rock Country Cover/Tribute Pop R&B Southern Rock

Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar

Gear & Equipment

Gibson Les Paul Classic, Mustang Iv amp

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar Drums Keyboard Piano Rhythm Guitar Vocalist - Alto Vocalist - Baritone Vocalist - Bass Vocalist - General Vocalist - Rock Vocalist - Soprano Vocalist - Tenor

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