Music Producer In Littleton

Colorado Musicians Wanted  |  Free Musicians Classified

 ej147899    43 years old    male    Littleton, CO    member since 2016

Ej147899 hasn't written anything yet. Scroll down for more information about this artist.

Music Genres

Funk, Hip Hop/Rap, Jazz, Pop, R&B

Proficient With

DJ, Electronic Music

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Vocalist - General

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Littleton Musicians Wanted:

drummer in Aurora seeking band members Punk drummer wanted Singer, songwriter, guitarist, nice mustache Drummer with studio playing most genre available. Bass in Denver Been playing the drums since I was in diapers. Solid experienced Drummer in Littleton Online session drummer for your songs BAND LOOKING FOR SINGER Metal Drummer Needed Singer for Country, Rock or Hip Hop Band Experienced rock drummer looking for band

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