DJ Indie Legacy Distribution provides worldwide music distribution to all major DSP's. Retain 100% ownership and keep 100% of the sales revenue. We also provide streaming analytics and transparent royalty payment splitting with co-creators, team members & business partners. .indielegacy
Acoustic Guitar |
Background Singer Vocalist. Guitarist. Producer. Recorder. Have played in many different bands. Looking to start a New York Dolls/ Impotent Sea Snakes cover band here in Atlanta. (213) 458- 4148
Acoustic Guitar |
Bass Guitar 21 year old multi-instrumentalist/producer. I one-man-band songs from scratch and can do everything myself. You may ask why do you even need to find people then? Well I get bored easily and all my musician buddies are out of town at different colleges. It gets lonely when youre jammin with just yourself, I need more people to inspire me with their own unique styles.