Multi Instrumentalist Guitar Bass And Keys

Houston Musicians Wanted

Local Houston Musician

 uriahsmusic    66-year-old male    Houston, TX    joined in 2024
 110 karma

Im a multi instrumentalist who plays guitar, bass and some keys. I write music and produced for many years. I like Hospel , Funk and Jazzy styles. I dont drive so I need a ride! Dont see so well! If jamming I prefer people over 40! or 50 or 60 or If its a church, it MUST BE FRIENDLY FIRST! Business 2nd!

Musical Influences & Inspiration

Anything with a groove! I like funk, jazz , R&B and pop but not too poppy! Tower of power, George Benson..

Music Genres

Christian Contemporary Funk Jazz Lounge

Proficient With

Bass Guitar Keyboard Rhythm Guitar

Gear & Equipment

guitar is an Epiphone Sheraton ll pro, Bass is a Glary 4 string and for keys a Yamaha MODX 6

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar Drums Rhythm Guitar Vocalist - General

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