Singer, Songwriter, Guitar & Bass Player

Circle Pines Musicians Wanted

Local Circle Pines Musician

 redvvinter    54-year-old male    Circle Pines, MN    joined in 2023
 100 karma

Band needs rhythm/lead guitar player. Ultra-heavy doom/death/weird jams. We're a 3-piece missing the third player. Want to gig, record, etc. I've written more songs than we know what to do with, so no lack of riffs and such. Would love more creative input, and a guitar player who can sing as well to bring multiple voices to the music.

Musical Influences & Inspiration

Bolt Thrower, Monolord, Voivod, Edge of Sanity, Sink Manhattan, Opted

Music Genres


Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar Background Singer Bass Guitar Rhythm Guitar Vocalist - General

Gear & Equipment

Everything I need, but not everything I want.

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar

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