18-year-old Guitarist Looking To Start Band

Saint Louis Musicians Wanted

Local Saint Louis Musician

 daniel_grad    22-year-old male    Saint Louis, MO    joined in 2020
 95 karma

18-year-old guitarist looking to form a rock and roll band with fellow musicians around the same age in the St. Louis area. The goal is to get together at first and develop goals for where to go with the band, jam and develop musical ideas, then eventually get local gigs and record.

Musical Influences & Inspiration

Allman Brothers Band, Deep Purple, the Doors, Dire Straits, Black Sabbath, the Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Outlaws, Steppenwolf

Music Genres

Blues Classic Rock Classical Hard Rock Jazz R&B Southern Rock

Proficient With

Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar

Gear & Equipment

Fender Stratocaster, Silvertone strat, Marshall amp, Boss Blues Driver pedal

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar Drums Keyboard Lead Guitar Piano Rhythm Guitar Vocalist - General Vocalist - Rock

Seeking To

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