Portland Strings

Oregon Musicians Wanted  |  Free Musicians Classified

 meleboy    66 years old    male    Portland, OR    member since 2015

Meleboy hasn't written anything yet. Scroll down for more information about this artist.

Music Genres

Celtic, Christian Contemporary, Christian Traditional, Jazz, Latin, R&B

Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, Other Percussion, Rhythm Guitar, Ukulele, Violin

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Cello, Other Percussion, Ukulele, Violin

Seeking To

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Portland Musicians Wanted:

Joni Mitchell Tribute Band seeks new member! Funky bassist seeking keys+percussion Country Songwriter looking to form band or duo Outlaw Country artist from Portland Oregon The Classic Combo Bassist Available now Prog/metal guitarist, enjoy all genres, 17 yrs exp Looking to start and/or join a band. Singer song writer looking for serious musicians Rock n Roll, Country, Bluegrass, Americana  Indie Giving it all the eyebrows Musician looking to collaborate

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