Old Guitar Player

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 jdean0001    73 years old    male    Cape Coral, FL    member since 2015

Jdean0001 hasn't written anything yet. Scroll down for more information about this artist.

Music Genres

Classic Rock, Southern Rock

Proficient With

Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Vocalist - Rock

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Cape Coral Musicians Wanted:

Singer Seeking a Working Rock Band Drummer/Percussionist in Venice Experienced drummer, rock Pro Guitarist in Sarasota DRUMMER LOOKING TO PLAY, I DON'T PLAY A 5 PIECE Professional Drummer, backing vocals in Estero Old Man Bass Player looking to Jam Keyboard, vocals, arrangements, guitar. Port Charlotte Bass Player Back-up Band SWFL Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter Versatile In All Styles Guitarist and Vocalist

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