Singer Available In Largo, FL

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 elona    48 years old    female    Largo, FL    member since 2014

Local Largo Musician

Elona hasn't written anything yet. Scroll down for more information about this artist.

Music Genres

Acoustic, Classical, Cover/Tribute

Proficient With

Vocalist - Soprano

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Dobro, Keyboard, Piano

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Largo Musicians Wanted:

Rock Cover Drummer Available working drummer for Pinellas, Tampa area gigs. Keys Piano, Blues Harp, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Lead Guitar Player looking for a band looking to poorly sing in a punk band International R&B Recording Artist Blues, Rock, Fusion Guitarist in Clearwater, Fla. Driver Unknown: original alternative rock Bass player looking to start or join a band ... Looking to find Musicians to play with Bass player - Louder Than Atoms Experienced drummer, rock

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