Guitarist Songwriter

Michigan Musicians Wanted  |  Free Musicians Classified

 eaknthefatman    32 years old    male    Muskegon, MI    member since 2016

Eaknthefatman hasn't written anything yet. Scroll down for more information about this artist.

Music Genres

Acoustic, Alternative Rock, Cover/Tribute, Folk, Other, Pop

Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Piano

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Other, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Ukulele

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Muskegon Musicians Wanted:

Fun versatile female vocalist :) lookin for a band Bassist looking to start a metal band Experienced Classic Rock Drummer Shredding Metal Mom Serious and Creative Multi Instrumentalist Horn Player in Belmont Pedal Steel Guitar Powerhouse Singer and Frontman Versatile Bass Player Blues Harp Player Steve Hydonus

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