Playing Music In The Key Of Life

Carson Musicians Wanted

Local Carson Musician

 jpiedrasanta    38-year-old male    Carson, CA    joined in 2024
 116 karma

High school music teacher by day. Musician by night! I have a BA in music education and an MA in theology. Love playing in church and gigging on the side as well.

Musical Influences & Inspiration

R&B, funk, soul, gospel, jazz, latin. Snarky puppy, Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Stevie Wonder, Santana.

Music Genres

Christian Contemporary Funk Pop R&B

Proficient With

Bass Guitar Drums Keyboard

Gear & Equipment

Pork pie kit, m32 mixer, nord s4, minimoog voyager, rhodes, Ibaez bass, Fender strat guitar, and a bunch of other gear.

Interested In Musicians Proficient With

Bass Guitar Keyboard Lead Guitar Rhythm Guitar

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